July 31, 2010

not a drawing i am finishing the ones im about to scan very soon i know millions of you are holding your breath

but jesus i had to share this, this is where the name comes from ! In germany early 20th century they invented a pharmaceutical they thought would be less addictive than morphine. tttsshh! They called it Heroin cause of it's "heroic effects on the patient", haw haw. Plus its a "cough suppressant" not even pain killer. I mean, its true, you do cough less when you're heroically comatosin' between your couch pillows.


  1. i progressi della medicina a cominciare dall'eroina

  2. Where did you get this from, Sid Vicious' great, great grandad? Cool vintage bottle!

  3. Hi, Sophie! Do you come to Argentina with your dad? It's that true!! I hope so!!

  4. yes! it's amazing! hehe.
    check this spanish commercial:

  5. It also comes from the German "heroisch", which means "powerful", I think...ironically this was available over-the-counter at the time, whilst you needed a prescription to buy aspirin!
    On a totally unconnected note, you got any more stuff for Mome in the pipeline? I thought "Lucid Nightmare" was great.

  6. They sold it to my Sister Jane...

  7. ihihih http://www.flickr.com/photos/nicozbalboa/1866793832/ :-)

  8. Hi Miss, Coyote speakin'... ouais, le vieux Coyote de Fluide... Ben dis-donc, t'en as fait des progrès depuis qu'on s'est pas vus... ça mériterait un gros art-book, tout ça... si tu en fais un, un jour, même en précommande, j'achète :~)D)ouais... je suis de la génération livre et papier, je me fais pas au Net... Bonne route à toi, la Miss, même sur les mains ,~)E)

  9. I had always suspected that was the case! Now there is proof, I feel vindicated.
